Marguerite Valentine

Marguerite Valentine

Books for the Psychologically Minded

Look At The World Through Fresh Eyes

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The Writer’s Muse


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Improve Your Writing #1

From Amanda Patterson

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‘You Don’t Know What Love Is’

This is the song goning through Sebs mind after Nixie has left him and he reaslises he loves her.

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‘Stay with me till Dawn’

Reminding Flori of Matt ‘Stay with me till Dawn’ is Flori’s inspiration and strength.

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The Wolf Of Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street

Like or not like the film, doesn’t really cut the mustard. It’s fascinating, appalling, obscene, decadent. Three hours of sex, drugs and rock’n roll, a savage critique of traders and their mentality. A study in alienation and pyschopathy, it’s autobiographical. What makes such people tick? Money, power, possessions. By the end of the film I was glued to the seat, waiting for his downfall. I was pleased by the end result: he was well and truly screwed. A dog eat dog scenario but like Dracula such men rise again to continue exploiting the greedy and vulnerable. Brilliant...

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